Canartours - legal notice

Conditions acceptation of guest with regard to quartering services
Dear guests of Canartours
The Canartours is mediate in reservation adequate for Mr. and Mrs. holiday houses, holiday flat, suite rooms type of studio and other places of quartering, which are find in offer. The conditions established in agreement, will be close directly between the company, which offers quartering and ladies and gentlement as guests. Following conditions will be satisfy after had taken into consideration content of quartering contract will close between ladies and gentlement and offers for firm which is quartering.

Please for exactly get acquaint with conditions
1. Achievement of contract quartering, standpoint of Canartours
1.1 Declaration must be follow 1.2 in writing, through by fax or by mail, final following close obligatory contract between guest and company, which quantee quartering as mediator.
1.2 The contract of quartering with firm, which offers lodgings or Canartours as representative quartering company, income in life in moment when coming booking note.
1.3 Declaration is make real for a person who declare for everyone persons, which are writing in order. A person who declare should be sure, that she is for all of person writing in order, agents and person who is authoritative to representative. That person admit also conditions reception guess. By reservation obligatory a payment earnest in draught seven day. In case of elapse allot of termin, Canartours confirms that is not bind that offer and declaration admit for be extinct.
1.4 Canartours have exclusiveness for be mediator in booking quartering service
2. Reservation
2.1 Not obligation reservation, which authorization person who present oneself or guess to free depart from, are possible only in case, when everything is settle, I have mean special contract with Canartours, as company representative, which offer quartering.
If adequate settle not be satisfy according with points 1.1 and 1.2 contract between guests and persons present oneself and company, which offer quartering that thinking for almost bind.
2.2 In case, when not obligation contract become early agree, person who present oneself or guess, must in definite time calling to Canartours, in other case reservation was troat as oblige.
In case when guest present oneself will change not obligatory reservation in obligatory booking, obligate him point 1.2
2.4 Living objects will be accessible in day of arrive from 16 hour. In day of departure, a living objects must be ready for cleaning about 10:00 o’clock. In special situation are admission only after early agree and only in that situation, if in the same day not be place next quartering that object.
3. Price/service
3.1 All of price give in offer Canartours are final price. Given of price contain reservation for two people for a night. Stay of expense one extra person is definite in description each of object. In all of objects cleaning expense are include in daily rent, but for hotels in case, which rooms can be rent even for a one night rest.
3.2 Firm which offer services of quartering that result from content of confirmation note of booking according from important prospect, relative with quartering list, which is offer by Canartours.
3.3 Oblige prohibition carry out from rooms toilet towels and bathing to the beach. For that can use only beach towels. Objects use such as: soap, cleaning means and washing means, cleaning means for dishwasher to vessels, toilet paper, they are not assure by company, which offer quartering.
3.4 Access offer to internet, if it is not show different is analogous, also necessary implement, if it is not show different, such as notebook, modem etc. you should take with self.
4. Depart from contract

Since the World Health Organization has now declared COVID-19 a global pandemic and its consequences are no longer unforeseen or unexpected, the regular cancellation conditions apply.

4.1 In case depart from contract terms, a company which offer quartering has low to request fee in height agree stay of price with fee for living. The company, which offer quartering.
4.2 According with predicate judge, a company which offer quartering can require:
- In case depart from contract in terms to 90 day before started stay 30% total amount let
- In case depart from contract in term from 90 day to 60 day before started stay 40% total amount let.
- In case depart from contract in term from 60 to 30 day, 60% total amount
- In case depart from contract in term from 30 to 50 day , 80 % total amount
- In case depart from contract in term from 14 to one day, as and in case depart from in day starting of stay or in case not to coming, obligate payment of height total amount let.
Fee for withdraw reservation amount 52 EUR
By reckon sum for depart from contract we take into consideration usually: economical expense and possible other. According of German prescription low, partner must prove company, that not grow up nothing or not sure damage, which contain company sum . In contract quarate possible that present other person for partner in a trip in the same condition.
Each of beginner of a trip Mr. and Mrs. can resign from her. Should writing (mail, traditional post or fax) adequate explanation.
4.3 Canartour recommend exact settle insurance expense and depart from contract.
4.4 In support depart from contract from technical cause is lead to main committee should step out in writing in person interest present oneself/guest.
5. Charge
5.1 Canartours, as authorizens to encash company guarantee quartering, after had confirmed booking, can demand 5.2 earnest in to the amount of height 20% total price of stay.
5.2 Total price of stay, together with all of extra expense and cleaning in each objects and be found in booking confirm. Remaining payment you should settle 5.4 in cash by give a key in the beginner of stay. That fact is also in writing in booking confirm. Cheque and credit card not be honour.
5.5 The company who offer quartering can in case a long stay then one week lead in temporary settling, a fee for that you must pay in immediately time.
6. Responsibility company, which offer quartering and Canartours
6.1 Responsibility contract a company, which offer quartering for damage, which are not body damage (inclusive of damages, which are bring about injure/breach before in time of staying and after) she is limit to threefold price of stay, if guest damage, a company who offer quartering not become bring about not even on purpose even result of sure neglect and also as long as company who offer quartering is responsibility for damages of guest stand up in result of offence.
Possible responsibility of company, which offering quartering after settle a person who is responsible, remain not injure.
6.2 A company offering of quartering is not answer for impediments in service, which are offering only as strange (for example sport activities, performance, lead of guests) and which are step out exactly as strange services.
6.3 The Canartours answer exclusive for eventual own mistake and own contract, help by mediator. By provide booking services and eventually lacks by services, a company reply to which offering quartering.
7. Claims
In case of claim a guest should each present oneself in the first rotation to the company which are offering quartering. If complain not become take into consideration, guest must calling to Canartours company, which immediately take up adequate middles. The hireling call in to check in arrive moment on quartering place inventory in rent object, all faults, should be declaring in company, which offering quartering during 24 hour, because only then, they will be can take steps a middle recall. All the next claim concern to rent affairs should be immediately declaring. Extra fold claims – in particular after ladies and gentlemen departure not be take into consideration. Hireling should take care during of stay about inventory and obligate all of appear during his staying, which are bring about him, all of damages present oneself and also compensation that. When we rent lodging we should to leave in cleanness (cleaned floor, cases, washined, kitchen untensils)
Rent of objects and contiguous territory, swimming pool, they are use by guests on the own responsible.
8. Middle low and propriety judge of territorial.
8.1 In case, when, settle contract between guests a company, which offering quartering relative contract of rent, which Canartours not regulation international contract, the most important are exclusive low relations and conventional, which are regulate only German low.
8.2 In case, when settle contract between guests a company, which offering quartering relative contract of rent, which Canartours not regulation international contract, or European settle, guest may bring in a charge only in their seat.
8.3 In case, when settle contract between guests a company, which offering quartering relative contract of rent with Canartours not regulation international contract, obligate about charge a company, which offering quartering or Canartours against guests:
bring in a charge against guests in judge individual adequate for their living of place.
Bring in a charge against guests low person about general or private low.
Which place of living or usually place of stay we can find apart from country border, or which place of living or usual place of stay in moment, when bring a charge is not knowing. Right judge find judge in Paderborn.
9. Negative prescription
Claim on company, which offering quartering or Canartours, exclude claims which concern prohibit act, they are negative prescription in year from conventional ending.
If we have mean course legal proceedings against company, which offering quartering Canartours and guests about claims are admit or claims in support in this regard, coincidence that negative prescription is hold up, if company which offering quartering. If Canartours or guests resigrate from prolongation action. Appoint term negative prescription flow away after one year, in the early three months after ending.

Canartours, Zarogów 31, 32-200 Miechów , tel. 0048/123917171, E-Mail: